2011年10月9日 星期日

Amblypneustes pallidus 35.4mm

Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Temnopleuridae 刻肋海膽科

Scientific name Amblypneustes pallidus

Chinese name

Author Lamarck, 1816

Size 35.4mm

Description 35.4x35.8mm, test with few spine, Taken in weed at 30-50cm, Wattle Bay, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. Oct. 2010.








Amblypneustes pallidus, Aboral view(反口面).



Amblypneustes pallidus, Apical system (頂系)



Amblypneustes pallidus, Oral view(口面).



Amblypneustes pallidus, Peristome (口圍)



Amblypneustes pallidus, Lateral view, ambulacral area(步帶區).



Amblypneustes pallidus, Lateral view, ambulacral area(步帶區), Close up.



Amblypneustes pallidus, Lateral view, Plating detail of ambulacral area(步帶區).



Amblypneustes pallidus, Lateral view, interambulacral area(間步帶區).



Amblypneustes pallidus, Lateral view, interambulacral area(間步帶區), Close up.



Amblypneustes pallidus, Lateral view, plating detail of interambulacral area(間步帶區).

