Phylum: Mollusca 軟體動物門
Class: Gastropods 腹足綱
Family: Ariophantidae 絲鱉甲蝸牛科
Scientific name: Hemiplecta oblique-undulata
Chinese name:
Author: ( van Benthen Jutting,1959)
Size: 50.84mm
Description: 50.84x31.89mm. Found on Mount Dompu, towards the top of the mountain, on the leaf litter, on ground. South Bengkulu, Southwest Sumatra, Indonesia. Feb. 2013.
Hemiplecta oblique-undulata 50.84mm
Hemiplecta oblique-undulata 50.84mm
Hemiplecta oblique-undulata 50.84mm
Hemiplecta oblique-undulata 50.84mm