2015年5月8日 星期五

Amphidromus wetaranus rollei 32.67mm

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門
Class Gastropods 腹足綱
Family Camaenidae 南亞蝸牛科
Scientific name Amphidromus wetaranus rollei
Chinese name
Author Laidlaw & Solem, 1961
Size 32.67mm
Description Checkered pattern, Roma (Romang) Island, South Maluku's, Indonesia. May 2008.
The Roma shells differ from Amphidromus inconstans in possessing a reddish color patch just above the columella;
those with only the columellar color patch are color form subsimplex Rolle, 1903;
those with a green band above the color patch are color form viridistriata Rolle, 1903; and
those with narrow radial bands broken into spots by spiral bands of ground color are color phase subporcellanus Rolle, 1903.

Amphidromus wetaranus rollei 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

Amphidromus wetaranus wetaranus 32.67mm

