2015年11月29日 星期日

Amphidromus wetaranus rollei 29.23mm

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門
Class Gastropods 腹足綱
Family Camaenidae 南亞蝸牛科
Scientific name Amphidromus wetaranus rollei
Chinese name
Author Laidlaw & Solem, 1961
Size 29.23mm
Description Specimen found from Roma (Romang) Island, South Maluku Chain. Indonesia.
The Roma shells differ from Amphidromus inconstans in possessing a reddish color patch just above the columella;
those with only the columellar color patch are color form subsimplex Rolle, 1903;
those with a green band above the color patch are color form viridistriata Rolle, 1903; and
those with narrow radial bands broken into spots by spiral bands of ground color are color phase subporcellanus Rolle, 1903.

Amphidromus wetaranus rollei 29.23mm

