2016年4月18日 星期一

Amphidromus sumatranus 21.61mm

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門
Class Gastropods 腹足綱
Family Camaenidae 南亞蝸牛科
Scientific name Amphidromus sumatranus
Chinese name
Author (Martens, 1864)
Size 21.61mm
Description Specimen found on altitude 780 meters high Mount. Hulumayus, North Lampung, South Sumatra, Indonesia. January, 2014.
A slender, highly polished, smooth shell with a highly variable color pattern. Basically, the color pattern consists of two brown basal bands and a yellow background, with one or two white spiral bands with brown spots.

Amphidromus sumatranus 21.61mm

