2016年5月15日 星期日

Amphidromus inconstans 28.35 to 32.66mm

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門
Class Gastropods 腹足綱
Family Camaenidae 南亞蝸牛科
Scientific name Amphidromus inconstans
Chinese name
Author (Fulton,1898)
Size 28.35,  29.34,  29.66,  30.17,  31.14,  31.27,  31.97,  32.66 mm
Description Alor Island, Island off East FloresIndonesia. March. 2014.
A relatively small (29-38 mm. high) shell with white or brown apex and with the early whorls quite variable in coloring. The basic inconstans pattern has four spiral brown bands on the last whorl, the upper two of square chestnut-colored spots, the lower two either continuous or also interrupted into spots.
It differs from contrarius in lacking the callus nodule; from laevus in having brown, not orange, bands (when bands are present); and from reflexilabris in having a simple lip.

Amphidromus inconstans 28.35 to 32.66mm

